"A Little Bit About Us"
Instead of some boring bio listing our credentials
(we have them if you want to see them), we thought we would just tell you . . .
We were both born and raised in New York (Bruce says he's from the South, South Bronx) to Jewish mothers and Gentile fathers, which we believe gives us a unique perspective on Apostle Paul's words from Eph 2:14-18 (go ahead and read it, we'll wait.) So after close to 25 yrs of pastoring Church on The Rock and our love for both Jew and Gentile, it is our desire to see ALL come to salvation and a knowledge of Jesus our Messiah. We have now been led to focus all our attention to seeing God's Original Plan be fulfilled, Jew and Gentile worshiping side by side!
Bruce & Marlene Laurent

In addition to our teachings, we also do a full
demonstration of Christ in the Passover Seder, please contact us.
Our Mission
Informing the Body of Christ of their
Jewish roots and responsibilities to witness
to the Jew first and also to the Gentile.
(Rom 1:16)
To understand the prophetic significance
of the feasts and festivals of The Lord.
(Lev 23)

Our Vision
"To see Jew and Gentile worshiping side by side as the completed Bride of Christ in anticipation of His return."